Friday, May 25, 2007

Mission Accomplished.

As of this morning, I completed my first month-long fitness bootcamp. Wow! Now I can't really say I love it, or that I'm in such better shape, or anything like that. This a long-haul kind of process, and I'm coming to grips with that.

But I can't help but be excited for myself. For 4 weeks straight, I worked out for an hour 3 days a week. At 6:30am. (Which implies that 12 times this month, I actually woke up before 7am...whoa!)

My whole goal is to go home from a 12 hour wedding without feeling dead! The adrenaline (and dancing) keeps me going during the day, I have no energy problems while the excitement is happening! But the next day.....dead. Can't move, don't want to do anything, and I wish someone would shoot me so I never have to walk again. I'd like to fix that. :)

I'm going to go ahead and sign up for next month and keep going with the exercise. My new goal for next month (I'm phasing in healthy habits) is to drink enough water and no more soda past noon! (I'm a diet coke fanatic...this could be tough!)

Wish me more luck & will-power and I'll keep you updated.