I absolutely love shooting portraits, and after last week's family session, I realized how few I've gotten to do lately! That's because I love weddings even more....and I've had to schedule so very few portraits in order to make the most time for my wedding clients. With my normal sessions (1-2 hours at sunset), I can only do one a day! Well, with only a few evenings left available this year, I wanted to do something special to fit in more portraits.
So I thought I'd set up a day do to "mini-sessions": Half-hour sessions with individuals in a single location (downtown San Jose) . So this September 9th I have 10 slots lined up! I'm hoping that the price and timing will make these sessions available to people who have been putting it off until now.
These sessions would be great for anyone needing to start a basic headshot portfolio or make a quick update to one. They would also be great for anyone wanting to put their best face forward on a dating site or myspace! Need to finally send mom a photo to replace your Senior photo from a decade ago? What about that personal or professional website that still has that photo of you in your grey cube? There are a million reasons to need a professional portrait. Mostly, though, it's just fun!!
Please go HERE for more information!! Registration is first come/first serve: http://jilliankay.com/jkmini.html