Sunday, June 22, 2008

Wedding: Mandy & Seth!

So for my first real post after my break, I am incredibly excited to show the photographs from Mandy & Seth's amazing wedding!! Mandy and Seth wed in Santa Cruz and had an extremely personal and fun day. Mandy made her dress (how do I get such talented brides?) which was absolutely fit their personality and looked incredible. So unique!!

Mandy and her bridesmaids made all of the table centerpeices by hand, and each was just a work of art...beautifully crafted and incredibly unique. The bridesmaids wore vintage dresses and had these incredible umbrellas. Each bridesmaid wore a different headpiece....also handmade by Mandy. Really I could go on and on, but instead I'll let you get a taste from the photographs!

For the full show, see this slideshow!!

Or just take a peek here (sorry for the overload!):

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Welcome Back!

Hi Everyone! Miss me? I've missed you dearly.

I apologize for the unexpected blogging was a short "downtime" that turned into several months! I promise that in the past months I've been just as passionate about photography...I just needed a little internet break. :) I've been working on many side projects in photography, as well as quite a few personal trips, a move, and a lot of fun.

Of course, now that wedding season is in full swing, I want to share all that photo goodness with you! I've got one wedding in the queue to show you, and another should be released this week. I'll got a couple more weddings to share with you in the next few weeks, along with an engagement shoot, and maybe even some personal projects along the way.

I'm going to try to commit myself to blogging each week, and someone needs to hold me accountable to that....and that someone is you! Feel free to email or leave a comment if you haven't seen your weekly bloggy love from me to you.

Welcome back to my blog!