Oh, I am soooo sore! Yikes! I'm still moving and ok right now, but I'm guessing I won't be able to in about 6 hours. Luckily all my appointments for next weekend were cancelled, and I can just rest (or catch up on school work....in a chair.)
As I walked in the front door...lamenting my poor muscles....I remembered that I get to go pick up my new camera today! Yay! The UPS man won't leave anything on our doorstep, doesn't deliver on weekends, and shows up anywhere between 10:30am and 4:00pm. Evidently UPS thinks every home has a stay-at-home mom or something. But I go to work! So, I have to have packages delivered to the centeral shipping hub, and I go pick it up myself.
But really, it's like Christmas here, I'm so excited. It almost makes me forget about bootcamp. ;)